Medicare fraud might involve some shady telemarketer calling older adults and trying to trick them into giving their information out over the phone. It might involve someone posing as their older sibling to receive healthcare. However, the most expensive and common...
Wisconsin Health & Health Care Law Blog
Why is patient confidentiality so important?
Patient confidentiality is a hallmark of good health care. A patient has to feel comfortable with their doctor or therapist, for example, to be able to have open conversations and get to the bottom of healthcare concerns. There are laws in place to protect patient...
Will your struggles with alcohol impact your nursing career?
Nursing is a stressful profession not for the faint of heart. Between grueling 12-hour shifts and continuing education requirements to maintain your license, your nursing profession requires that you constantly recommit yourself. Working a demanding and stressful job...
When is it appropriate for therapists to break confidentiality?
As a therapist, you know that your patient deserves as much confidentiality as you can give them. While you may be a mandated reporter and have to report abuse or other serious threats, you know that the majority of your sessions will remain private. For therapy to...
Do you understand the seriousness of a HIPAA violation?
When many health care professionals think about HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, they think about the fact that they can’t share their patient’s information without permission or that they have to take steps to prevent that patient...
Confidentiality regarding minors in therapy is complex
If you are a psychologist and have minor patients, you will know the basics of their confidentiality rights and the fact that legally speaking, minors do not have the right to confidentiality when in therapy. However, you as a psychologist should always use discretion...
Common reasons for a suspended nursing license
In the state of Wisconsin, nurses must go through a licensing process before they can begin to practice. Your nursing license represents years of training and demonstrates your expertise. However, the ability to work as a practicing nurse is a privilege based on your...
Wisconsin physician accused in Medicare fraud scheme
Accusations of Medicare fraud can taint your professional and personal life. If you face allegations in such a sticky situation, you may expect criminal penalties such as incarceration and fines as well as the loss of your professional license and loss of stature...
Should occupational licenses be easier to obtain in Wisconsin?
In April of this year, several licensure-related bills failed to pass through Wisconsin legislation. The general intent of these bills was to streamline the licensure process and prevent unnecessary rejection or delays, thus potentially providing job opportunities for...
Steps needed to get a nursing license reinstated
You have made some personal and professional mistakes, and now your livelihood is in the balance. One of the outcomes is the revocation of your nursing license. You diligently worked your way through nursing school, secured a fulfilling job at a local hospital, but...